This work was inspired by "The Bay of Marseilles, view from L'Estaque" by Paul Cezanne, c. 1885. His process is described below. My version seeks to mimic the spatial game with a modern setting and bold colours. I see the windowless cubist buildings as more of an industrial site with defining chimneys.
The Bay of Marsailles, View from L’Estaque by Paul Cezanne
Cézanne divided the canvas into four zones - architecture, water, mountain, and sky - to examine the underlying structure and composition of the view. He then filled the canvas with shapes defined by strong, contrasting colors, to create a highly compact, dynamic patterns that referred back to traditionally structured landscape paintings and looked forward to the innovations of Cubism.
With block-like brushstrokes to build the space, his composition seems both 2D and 3D, with forms that appear to touch and shift continually to create a sense of volume and space that both strengthens the composition and brings it to life